What makes CPR, Etc. different from other CPR trainers or facilities?
CPR, Etc. has Ken Roland, for starters. The first African American lieutenant lifeguard on the East Coast and Vice President of Every Child a Swimmer, Ken has been teaching lifesaving skills for over 20 years. He is also an instructor-trainer so not only does he teach you and I CPR, First Aid, and a variety of other classes, but he also trains the teachers. He is also the African American Achiever's Award winner for 2020 - 2021 from JM Family Enterprises in the category of business. His expertise has allowed CPR, Etc. to streamline the curriculum and replace boring with fun. Our costs are lower than the competition because we want EVERYONE to be able take CPR and First Aid. Finally, we come to you, at your convenience.
On whose authority can CPR, Etc. train others on lifesaving skills?
We are certified instructors for both The American Red Cross and The American Heart Association.
I’ve heard you can break someone’s rib by performing CPR. Is this true?
Yes, this can happen but it is very rare. Although you certainly do not want to break someone’s rib bone, nonetheless by performing CPR, your chances of saving them are far greater than your chances of harming them. As a general rule, push down about 2 ½ - 2 inches for an adult, 2 inches for a child as well as an infant while doing compressions.
What is the difference between rescue breathing and CPR?
You would give rescue breathing when the heart is beating but the person is not breathing (there is a pulse). You normally find this scenario with drowning victims. You would give CPR if the person was not breathing and their heart was not beating (no pulse). With rescue breathing, you give one breath every five seconds for an adult, and every three seconds for children for two minutes. Then, you recheck for signs of life. When the heart is no longer beating (no pulse), you perform CPR. If there is a pulse, however, you continue with rescue breathing. With CPR, you give 30 compressions, then two breaths and you repeat the cycle five times (about two minutes) before rechecking for signs of life. If there are no signs of life, you continue with 30 compressions and then two breaths, again repeating the cycle five times.
When do you stop giving CPR or rescue breathing?
There are five reasons you should stop giving care. They are: the scene is no longer safe, the victim begins breathing on their own, you become too tired continue, another trained rescuer takes over, or EMS arrives on the scene.
Are there any known cases of a person catching a communicable disease by performing rescue breathing?
No. There are no known cases of anyone contracting Hepatitis, AIDs, or other communicable diseases. Nonetheless, CPR, Etc. advises everyone to use a barrier device before performing CPR. Everyone leaves our class with a new barrier.
If I am afraid to give rescue breaths, will I help just by giving compressions?
Yes, absolutely. Doing something is always better than doing nothing! You do increase the victim’s chances of survival just by acting.
Is it true a child should wait 30 minutes after eating to go back into the water?
Most, but not all, healthcare experts agree that there is no evidence to support this. However, if you've just eaten, common sense tells me that swimming is not the best way to help food digest. Little kids tend to get excited and race around after a meal but it may not be the best thing to go diving into the swimming pool right after eating.
What should I do if someone swallows their tongue?
According to Ryan Brett, the director of education for the Epilepsy Institute of New York, swallowing the tongue is virtually impossible. In the human mouth, a small piece of tissue called the frenulum linguae, which sits behind the teeth and under the tongue, keeps the tongue in place, even during a seizure.